October 5, 2024

We would like to update supporters regarding the issues with our Norwich City stream a couple of weeks ago and apologise for the interruption to the service you faced.

Since the match, our streaming partner Stream AMG have been carrying out testing and have been investigating the cause of the issues over the last several days of which they have now found.

Without going into the finer technical details, the issues were due to an unexpected surge in data/bandwidth across the wider streaming platform which caused an outage of the stream for most clubs and most supporters.

Stream AMG have spent the past week identifying and implementing mitigation for future events should it happen again and we are very confident that the work done will prevent this.

If you were a video match pass or audio match pass purchaser for the Norwich City game, we would like to offer you a corresponding credit for the Sheffield Wednesday game on the 25 October, however, if you are planning on attending this fixture or a credit doesn’t work for you – we will honour a full refund.

If you are a monthly or annual pass holder it’s slightly more complicated, but please get in touch with us via argyletv@pafc.co.uk if you were affected and we will provide a pro rata refund equivalent to the down time experienced and fee paid.

If you have already emailed into the club, you do not need to do so again.

We apologise once again for the outage which saw members of the Green Army miss the outstanding 6-2 victory against the Canaries.

Although this was largely out of our control, we are confident the issue has now been rectified and Argyle supporters will be able to experience Argyle TV seamlessly moving forward.

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