October 5, 2024

I am, in footballing terms, a traditionalist, or perhaps as the new breed might prefer to call me, a dinosaur.

I was raised on a diet of Saturday afternoon football, with all games kicking off at 1500 hours, the only deference being for midweek fixtures.

To me, in my younger days, it was a way of life.

Recently, bored with the tripe being shown on TV, my mind regressed to those wonderful times and got me thinking.

With our first taste of life as a Premier League club fast approaching, just reward for our remarkable achievements in the last decade, we’ll witness a grand total of 19 home games in our 38 fixtures.

But how many of those will kick-off at the traditional 1500 hours on a Saturday?

Already, 2 of those 19 have been moved, with the West Ham fixture selected for live broadcast by Sky TV and the Burnley fixture moved due to the Bobbers Stand renovations, plus I dare not look at the midweek games already scheduled.Luton Town F.C. - Wikipedia

It is fair to say that more will be once the broadcasting schedule, for the coming months, is confirmed by Sky Sports and TNT Sorts (formerly BT Sports).

It remains to be seen how many home fixtures are affected, which leads me on to ask the following question:

But things change, sometimes for the better, sometimes for the worse.


Inquisitive as ever, I thought I’d run a poll relating to the trio, with it entitled:

Luton – And The Best Of The 3 Signed So Far Is?

Although it is early days and I know each of the trio has to be given time to settle into a new environment, the result proved to be interesting.

With the vote considered to be closed, Tahith Chong, with 48% of the votes cast, just pipped Mads Andersen, who received 44% of the votes cast.

Interestingly, Chiedozie Ogbene only polled 8% of the votes cast, far behind the other two new signings.

But, I wonder, what are the chances of Ogbene, as the season progresses, making fools out of the majority of us and becoming a rip-roaring success?

Football can be a funny old game.


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