July 7, 2024

Following the signing of the contract, Stephen Welsh is being considered for a new position at Celtic.

Once Stephen Welsh is fully fit, Brendan Rodgers may use him in the Celtic midfield.

Former Celtics striker Frank McAvennie asserted exclusively to Football Insider that Welsh would find it difficult to play at centre back, especially with the addition of Nat Phillips on loan from Liverpool.

Despite what Brendan Rodgers does during his second spell at the club, Andy Walker has acknowledged that some Celtic supporters will never get over the way he left the team in the first place.

The season’s poor start and Celtic’s elimination from the Scottish League Cup meant that some of Rodgers’ detractors were ready to pounce.

The Celtic manager did, however, succeed in easing some of the strain by defeating Rangers in the Glasgow derby at Ibrox on Sunday.

Walker, a former Celtic player, emphasised that he has always believed Rodgers is a good coach and still has more to contribute in his second tenure at Parkhead.

He did, however, acknowledge that some Celtic supporters will never forgive the Northern Irishman for the way he left the team to conclude his first stay in Glasgow.


On the Go Radio Football Show, the former Bhoy stated: “I have always thought he is a fantastic manager and I know that certain Celtic fans will never buy into him because of the manner he left the first time around.

Yes, they must go on, but some of them doubtless won’t.

He is an exceptional manager with a lot to give.

The defending Scottish champions are in first place after four games in the league, but Rodgers will be hoping to make a big impression in the Champions League after failing to do so in his first stint.

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