July 2, 2024

Kingston, Jamaica – June 29, 2024

Prime Minister Andrew Holness has issued a call to action for Jamaicans to brace themselves as Hurricane Beryl intensifies in the Atlantic. The storm, which has been gaining strength rapidly, poses a significant threat to the Caribbean region, and Jamaicans are urged to take immediate steps to ensure their safety.


In a press conference held at Jamaica House, Prime Minister Holness emphasized the importance of preparedness in the face of natural disasters. “We are closely monitoring Hurricane Beryl as it moves through the Atlantic,” he stated. “Our priority is the safety and well-being of our citizens. I urge everyone to stay informed, follow the advice of local authorities, and take all necessary precautions.”


The Meteorological Service of Jamaica has been tracking Beryl’s progress and reports that the storm has now reached hurricane status with sustained winds exceeding 75 mph. It is projected to approach the Caribbean islands in the coming days, with Jamaica potentially in its path.


**Government Response**


The Jamaican government has activated its emergency response mechanisms. Shelters are being prepared, and resources are being mobilized to assist communities that may be impacted by the hurricane. The Office of Disaster Preparedness and Emergency Management (ODPEM) has been working in conjunction with local authorities to ensure that evacuation plans are in place and that the public is well-informed about the impending threat.


Prime Minister Holness highlighted the collaborative efforts being made at both the national and community levels. “Our disaster response teams are on high alert, and we are coordinating with regional partners to ensure that we are fully prepared for any eventuality,” he said. “I also call on community leaders and citizens to support one another and to look out for the vulnerable among us.”


Public Advisory

The Prime Minister’s office has released a series of recommendations for the public to follow in preparation for Hurricane Beryl:


1.Stay Informed: Regularly check updates from the Meteorological Service of Jamaica and local news sources for the latest information on the hurricane’s trajectory and strength.


2.Secure Property: Ensure that homes and businesses are secured. This includes reinforcing windows and doors, removing outdoor items that could become projectiles, and checking roofs for vulnerabilities.


3.Stock Up on Supplies: Have an adequate supply of non-perishable food, water, medications, and other essential items to last at least three days.


4.Plan for Evacuation: Know the locations of the nearest shelters and have a plan for reaching them if evacuation orders are issued. Ensure that all family members are aware of the plan.


5. Stay Connected: Keep in touch with family and friends, and have a charged mobile phone and backup power sources.

Community Preparedness

Communities across Jamaica are responding proactively. Local leaders are organizing meetings to discuss preparation strategies and to ensure that residents have access to necessary resources. Schools, churches, and community centers are being readied as potential shelters, and volunteers are being trained to assist with emergency response efforts.


Prime Minister Holness concluded his address with a message of resilience and solidarity. “Jamaica has faced many challenges in the past, and we have always come through stronger together. Let us approach this situation with the same spirit of unity and determination. By working together and supporting one another, we will weather this storm.”


As Hurricane Beryl continues to strengthen, the importance of early preparation cannot be overstated. The Jamaican government, local authorities, and communities are committed to safeguarding lives and property, but the cooperation and vigilance of every citizen are crucial in the days ahead.

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