July 7, 2024

He has been speaking with I News.

So, what has Maguire had to say about the situation that Forest are facing? Let’s dive in and take a closer look

Kieran Maguire defends Nottingham Forest

Well, this isn’t the first time that Maguire has defended Forest in their quest to get the lowest possible punishment.

Nobody of a Forest persuasion is suggesting that they shouldn’t be punished but it’s an anxious time nonetheless.

It feels as though given the situation with Everton, Forest will almost certainly find themselves facing a points deduction this season.

Kieran Maguire – The Conversation

However, Maguire believes that Forest have been dealt a bit of a raw deal with the whole situation.

He told I News: “In my view, Forest have got a fairly raw deal in respect of Financial Fair Play.

“They were promoted with a squad that cost £12m up against billion-pound-costing squads.

“They only have £62m allowable loss for FFP purposes compared to £105m for the established clubs of the Premier League (due to being an EFL club in some of the accounting period).

Forest will have to take their punishment on the chin

It does seem entirely unfair that there is no loophole that allows promoted teams a little bit more leniency when it comes to the losses.

Ultimately, if you’re a Championship club without parachute payments then essentially it feels like the Premier League aren’t willing to allow you to be competitive.

Maguire has hit the nail on the head with his latest comments on Forest – and it does seem a little bit harsh.

However, the rules are written in stone and ultimately, Forest will now have to take their punishment and accept whatever fate is handed to them

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