July 5, 2024

The Board of the Canterbury-Bankstown Bulldogs Football Club has appointed Adam Driussi as Chairman. John Khoury will continue to serve as a Director of both the Football and League Club Boards, whilst remaining a valuable contributor to the Club’s corporate, community and grassroots initiatives.

Whilst speaking at today’s Annual General Meeting, Mr. Khoury expressed his gratitude stating “Serving as Chairman over the past four years has been an absolute honour. During this time, we successfully assembled a new management team, achieved record commercial revenues, and secured funding for the new Centre of Excellence at Belmore. We underwent a comprehensive overhaul of our football program and pathways development under the leadership of Phil Gould, and welcomed a new Head Coach, Cameron Ciraldo. Having contributed to stabilising the Club and positioning it for long-term success, now is the opportune moment for me to pass on the baton.”

While Mr. Khoury will continue serving on the Board as Deputy Chair, the mantle of Chairman will be assumed by the current Deputy Chair, Adam Driussi. Mr. Khoury will also retain his position on the Canterbury League Club Board.

Adam Driussi - Canterbury-Bankstown Bulldogs | LinkedIn

Mr. Driussi, a Board Member since June 2022, is an accomplished actuary and the Co-Founder and Chief Executive Officer of data analytics firm Quantium. Quantium, with a global workforce of over 1,200, helps clients such as Woolworths, Telstra, CBA, Qantas, and the government in making informed decisions through data and analytics.

Expressing his gratitude to Mr. Khoury for his tireless dedication, Mr. Driussi remarked, “John has made an outstanding contribution to the Club during his Chairmanship, stabilising it and overseeing key appointments that position us favourably for the future.

“It is a privilege to be appointed as Chairman by the Board and I look forward to working closely with John and the rest of the Board.  As a lifelong Bulldogs fan, I grew up watching my heroes on the hill at Belmore. Like all fans, I’ve found it challenging to witness the NRL results over the past seven years, but I am fully committed to continuing our strategy of investing in the long-term sustained success of the Club.”

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