September 20, 2024

A major injury scare involving  defender Neil Ashton cast a shadow over Wrexham’s 1-0 win  against a Swansea City XI in their  first pre-season friendly of the summer on  Saturday.

The 29-year-old left-back was knocked  unconscious following a 56th-minute  mid-air collision with an opponent and,  following nearly 10 minutes of treatment  on the pitch, he was stretchered off and  taken to hospital by ambulance.

But within a couple of hours Ashton  had taken to Twitter to reassure supporters of no lasting damage, even though he is unlikely to  figure in either of the club’s two planned  friendlies at Colwyn Bay and Prestatyn  tomorrow evening.

Speaking after Saturday’s match at The  Rock, Wrexham manager Kevin Wilkin  said of Ashton’s injury: “It looked nasty,  there was a lot of blood, a split lip but,  fingers crossed, it’s not a lot worse than  that.

“The boys are saying he was (knocked)  out for a period so we need to keep an eye  on that. The most important thing is that  Neil recovers and we can get him back out  on the field.”

Wilkin used 22 players against a  Swansea side that, although billed as an  under-21 line-up, included at least two  over-age players in Liberty Stadium veteran Alan Tate – for 45 minutes – and  former Dragon Curtis Obeng.

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